
31 May 2015 - 6 Jun 2015

Romanian films at the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival. 31.05 – 06.06.2015, Tel Aviv Cinematheque

The 17th edition of the Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival takes place between 31. 05 – 06. 06. 2015, at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. The Romanian short film Idle (24’, Romania, 2013), directed by Raia Al Souliman, will be screened as part of the international

7 May 2015 - 16 May 2015

"Toto and His Sisters" (2014, directed by Alexander Nanău) in the competition of the 17th edition of the Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival. Tel Aviv, 7-16 May 2015

The Romanian Cultural Institute proudly supports the presence of the documentary film „ Toto and His Sisters” (2014, directed by Alexander Nanău) in the competition of the 17th edition of the Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival, that will take place in Tel

4 May 2015

"Creat(iv)e Europe –Discovering Romania through cinema and academics", series of academic events for the students, May 4th, 2015, at Ben Gurion University of the Negev

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, in collaboration with The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, is organizing on May 4th, 2015 a series of academic events entitled Creat(iv)e Europe –Discovering Romania

13 Mar 2015

Romanian participation at the Francophonie Film Festival. 13.03.2015, the Tel Aviv Cinematheque

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and the Embassy of Romania to the State of Israel are proud to invite you to the first edition of the Francophonie Film Festival which will take place on March 13, between 12:00-18:00 at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. During the festival

15 Jan 2015 - 31 Jan 2015

„Another Look” - Restored European Film Project#3. 15-31.01.2015. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa

“Another Look – The Restored European Film Project” marks a unique venture whose purpose is to raise awareness to both classic European cinema and the means by which it is preserved. Through the collaboration of the European Union and local European embassies, this

24 Jun 2014 - 31 Dec 2014

Romanian feature film „Child’s Pose”, dir. Călin Peter Netzer, in cinemas across Israel

The feature film Child’s Pose, dir. Călin Peter Netzer (Romania 2013), runs at Lev Cinema and Cinema City across Israel. The Israeli premiere was at the Haifa International Film Festival in October 2013. Film reviews: Time Out:

17 Dec 2014 - 19 Dec 2014

The feature film “Closer to the Moon”, dir. Nae Caranfil, at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival. 17.12.2014 and 19.12.2014, Jerusalem Cinematheque.

The feature film “Closer to the Moon”, directed by Nae Caranfil, will be screened at the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival on 17. 12. 2014, at 16:30 and on 19. 12. 2014, at 21:15. Synopsis: Communist Romania, 1959. One of the greatest coups of the century. A group of

2 Oct 2014 - 15 Dec 2014

Apel de participare - DOCAVIV 2015. Data limită pentru înscrieri: 15 decembrie 2014

Festivalul internațional de film documentar de la Tel Aviv – DOCAVIV anunță apelul de participare pentru ce de-a XVII-a ediție, care va avea loc în perioada 7-16 mai 2015. Data limită pentru înscriere este 15 decembrie 2014. Regulamentul, formularele de participare

5 Dec 2014 - 12 Dec 2014

The Romanian feature film project "Never let it go”, directed by Paul Negoescu, at The Jerusalem International Film Lab. December 5-12, 2014

The Jerusalem International Film Lab, organized by the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School, will take place between December 2014 – July 2015 at the Jerusalem Cinematheque and the “Mishkenot Sha’ananim” Center. The Romanian feature film project has been selected

9 Oct 2014 - 18 Oct 2014

"When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism", dir. Corneliu Porumboiu, and "The Japanese Dog", dir. Tudor Cristian Jurgiu, to be screened at the 30th Haifa International Film Festival. 9-18.10.2014

The 30th Haifa International Film Festival will take place between 9-18. 10. 2014. This year, two Romanian films are included in the screening program: When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism (Romania-France, 2013), directed by Corneliu Porumboiu, within “Filmmakers

28 Aug 2014

The Day of the Romanian Language - Special screening „Of Snails and Men”, dir. Tudor Giurgiu, for the Romanian language students of RCI Tel Aviv. 28.08.2014

On the occasion of the Day of the Romanian Language, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv will host the screening of the feature film „Of Snails and Men”, dir. Tudor Giurgiu (Romania/France, 2012), on August 28th, 2014, at 18:00. The screening will be attended

15 Jul 2014 - 3 Aug 2014

Radu Gabrea Retrospective in Israel. 15 July - 3 August 2014

The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv supports the „Radu Gabrea Retrospective in Israel”, opening on Tuesday 15 July 2014, 19:00, at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque, with the screening of the film ”Jews for Sale”. The program includes also the films „Searching