
27 May 2008 - 27 May 2008

Conferinţă susţinută de Prof. Dr. Andrei Marga

Prof. Andrei Marga, PhD. , rector of the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, delivered the lecture Competitiveness, Values, Vision (European Aspects), at The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, on Tuesday, the 27th of May 2008. This event was organized by The Romanian

13 May 2008 - 25 May 2008

The photo-documentary exhibition “Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia”, presented at the National Village Museum in Bucharest

Between the 13th and the 25th of May, 2008, the National Village Museum in Bucharest hosted the photo-documentary exhibition Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia, property of The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, presenting works by the photographer Teodor

6 Apr 2008 - 21 Apr 2008

Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia

Between the 6th and the 21st of April 2008, the photo-documentary exhibition Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia was presented at the Hall of Culture in Nesher (Heychal HaTarbut, Derech HaShalom 26, Nesher), featuring photographs by Teodor Răileanu. The opening

31 Mar 2008 - 2 Apr 2008

Enesco Quartet. Haifa and Tel Aviv concerts

Enesco Quartet performed two concerts in Israel on Monday, the 31st of March 2008 at Buchmann-Mehta School of Music – Clairmont Auditorium from Tel Aviv University and on Wednesday, the 2nd of April 2008 at Auditorium – Rappaport Hall in Haifa. This event was organized

24 Feb 2008 - 31 Mar 2008

Art of Moldavian Synagogues - workshop, exhibition

• Sunday, the 24th of February 2008, at 6:00 p. m. , at Bar-Ilan University (The Gerson and Judith Lieber Jewish Art Exhibition Center, Building 410) – the opening of the photo-documentary exhibition called Colours of Time: Art of Moldavian Synagogues, by the journalist

12 Mar 2008 - 12 Mar 2008

Launching of books - Israeli writers of Romanian origin

The most recent books by Israeli writers of Romanian origin were launched on Wednesday, the 12th of March 2008, at the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv: • Marlena Braester: Oublier en avant / Forgetting before, presented by the writer Andrei Fischof; • Madeleine

26 Jan 2008 - 3 Mar 2008

Rereading the Bible - Romanian Icons from the XIX - XX Centuries

The opening of the exhibition took place on Saturday, the 26th of January 2008, at the Artists´ House in Jerusalem in the presence of His Beatitude Teophilos III, the Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem and H. E. Edward Iosiper, the Ambassador of Romania in Israel. The exhibition

16 Dec 2007 - 20 Dec 2007

Israel Tour of The Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest

Israel Tour of The Lucia Sturdza Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest has brought a series of six performances of the theatre plays: Uncle Vanea by A. P. Cehov, directed by Yuriy Kordonskiy, at The Cameri Theatre in Tel Aviv, Molly Sweeney by Brian Friel, directed by Alexandru

12 Dec 2007 - 16 Dec 2007

The official release in Israel of the film “4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days”, directed by Cristian Mungiu

The presentations took place at The Tel Aviv Cinematheque and at The Jerusalem Cinematheque, between the 12th and 16th of December, 2007. This event was organized by The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, in partnership with Shapira Films, The Tel Aviv Cinematheque

15 Nov 2007 - 13 Dec 2007

Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia

Between the 15th and the 13th of December, 2008, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv hosted the photo-documentary exhibition Colours of Time – Synagogue Art in Moldavia, property of The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, presenting works by the photographer

3 Dec 2007 - 8 Dec 2007


Celebrating the National Day of Romania, the CONCERTO Orchestra of the National University of Music in Bucharest performed a series of concerts in Israel: on Monday, the 3rd December, at the Auditorium Hall in Haifa, on Tuesday, the 4th of December, at Clermont Hall, the

9 Oct 2007 - 7 Nov 2007

Painting and Sculpture Exhibition Liana Saxone Horodi and Fani Cohn

The opening took place on Tuesday, the 9th of October 2007, at The Romanian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv. The exhibition was opened to the public between the 9th of October and the 7th of November 2007.